Wisdom Teeth Extraction



Having one’s wisdom teeth removed is a common oral surgery procedure. This is because the retention of wisdom teeth can be very problematic to one’s oral health.

Did you know that there are actually 5 primary benefits to getting your wisdom teeth removed? Although this isn't a required procedure for everyone, it is a must or a better option in the long run for some people due to oral health issues and/or cosmetic reasons.

Less Crowding Equals Less Orthodontic Procedures

When wisdom teeth grow, it can overcrowd your teeth. This can cause harm to neighboring molars. Alignment problems can arise as they are slowly pushed out of the way. Getting your wisdom teeth taken out can reduce the odds that you will require braces or other orthodontics treatment to correct alignment issues.

Preventing Damage To Nearby Teeth

Pressured cause by wisdom teeth can weaken and loosen the roots of adjacent teeth. This can result in neighboring teeth becoming exposed to cavities and even bone loss.

Decrease The Possibility Of Oral Disease & Inflammation

Dental cavities and even gum disease can pop up from wisdom teeth with the latter being hard to treat. Infections that get under your gums can have a serious impact on your tooth's nerves or worse, entering your bloodstream. This can evolve into a condition called sepsis that impacts the rest of the body.

Alleviated Orofacial Pain

Relieving pressure, reducing gum sensitivity, and reducing tooth sensitivity are all common, pleasant side affects by taking out your wisdom teeth. This could result in fewer food and drink restrictions (think extremely cold or extremely hot).

Prevent Cysts, Tumors, & Jaw Disorders

Affected wisdom teeth create a breeding ground for germs which in turn can create cysts or tumors that can cause TMJ.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

In most cases, our dentist recommends the removal of wisdom teeth to prevent the development of oral health complications such as abscesses, gum disease, and orthodontic issues. At Scott Family Dentistry, our team provides gentle tooth extractions so that members of our community can enjoy improved oral function and quality of life.

During regular checkups, our dentist will look for signs of wisdom tooth eruption through a physical examination and X-rays. If wisdom teeth are beginning to emerge, our team will normally recommend that our patients schedule an appointment in the near future for a tooth extraction.

Why Is Wisdom Teeth Extraction Necessary?

When patients keep their wisdom teeth, they increase their risks for numerous oral health problems and dental conditions. Removing these teeth as soon as they begin to emerge is often a wise investment in one’s oral health. The reason wisdom teeth cause health problems is the fact that they emerge through the gums years after the rest of the mouth’s adult teeth have come through. With adult teeth already established, wisdom teeth can threaten their placement because there is often not enough room for wisdom teeth to erupt through the gums in an upright position. Instead, these teeth become impacted or “stuck” in the gums. This can lead to neighboring teeth developing decay, the gum tissue becoming infected, and existing teeth becoming crowded.

Surgically removing wisdom teeth can prevent the development of all these issues, while also preserving the health of existing teeth and gum tissue. Moreover, wisdom teeth are not necessary for smooth and efficient oral function.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction FAQ

We've compiled a few of the most popular questions we get about our wisdom tooth extraction process. Click on the question below for the answer.

  • Which teeth are wisdom teeth?

    Wisdom teeth, officially referred to as third molars, are usually the last teeth to develop. They are upper and lower teeth whose function is to grind food as part of the digestive process. They are located in the very back of your mouth, next to your second (or twelve year) molars and near the entrance to your throat. They usually complete development between the ages of 15 and 20, a time traditionally associated with the onset of maturity and the attainment of Wisdom.

  • What happens afterwards | What will I feel like?

    Most of the time you will want to maintain a low profile for a few days. We ask that you follow your post-operative instructions closely as they will make you most comfortable during the first few days following your procedure. Please allow the time to let your body begin healing before resuming an active social, academic, or athletic schedule. Most patients feel like they are over the hump in 3-5 days.

  • What does a wisdom teeth extraction procedure cost?

    Because of the different types of impacted wisdom teeth, along with different anesthesia options, it is impossible to give you a realistic estimate of what our services will cost until we have reviewed your x-rays. Every insurance company has a different policy regarding the extent of coverage for a given surgical procedure. We encourage you to check with both your medical AND dental insurance carrier to determine your coverage and out of pocket liability.

  • What is the best age to have your wisdom teeth removed?

    If it is recognized that you do not have enough room in your mouth for your third molars to erupt, it is advisable to have them removed as soon as it is recognized. In some patients it is as early as 11 or 12 whereas in others it may not be until 17 or 18 years of age. You will heal faster, with more predictable final healing and have fewer complications than an older patient.


Send Scott Family Dentistry a message with ease. Wisdom teeth can start hurting and the more it's prolonged, the worse the pain will get. Don't hesitate to call us with any questions you might have about wisdom teeth extraction. DO NOT send personal health information through this form. Specific patient care must be addressed during your appointment. We promise to provide professional service and the best dental care available to the residents of Arkansas.

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